Sustainability Victoria

Recycling Victoria Concept Testing

Focus Groups Recycling

Using focus groups to test messages and drive behaviour change

A range of messages were tested in focus groups that were recruited to match Sustainability Victoria’s key target audiences.



Sustainability Victoria (SV) is a Victorian government statutory authority. Their purpose is to transition Victoria to a circular climate resilient economy, creating a future where waste is designed out of the system and products and materials stay in the economy for as long as possible. Part of this is to encourage Victorians to change the way they manage their kerbside waste.

SV engaged Wallis Social Research to test and refine communications designed to inform Victorians of a new kerbside bin system being rolled out, to ensure the concept and messaging make sense, and will drive behavioural change among key target audiences.


Five online focus groups were conducted with the designated audiences. The groups were conducted online using the Microsoft Teams platform, which enabled the images and messages to be shown in the sessions, and for the sessions to be recorded.  

Wallis captured reactions to each concept paired with the various messages, and were able to identify the preferred messages across each target audience for two phases of the campaign rollout.

Do you need an expert research partner to help you test and refine your communications?

Wallis would be keen to share our ideas and approaches for recruiting the right people to test concepts and messages to find the sweet spot to drive behaviour change.


Have a similar project? Get in touch.


Moreland City Council


Victorian Department of Education and Training