Our work
For over 30 years, Wallis has worked with federal, state and local government organisations to deliver innovative social research solutions.
The Australian Children of the Digital Age (ACODA) Longitudinal Study
Providing and overarching view of how digital technologies are used by Australian families and young children.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Engaging program participants, providers and employers to explore program experiences, effectiveness, and satisfaction
Jesuit Social Services
Identifying effective and resonant messaging to encourage behaviour change
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)
Identifying effective and resonant messaging to encourage behaviour change
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Giving TAC a finger on the pulse of road safety in Victoria
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Ensuring meaningful survey results with cognitive interviewing
Victorian Department of Education and Training
Engaging participants and boosting response rates with video content
Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
Measuring the effectiveness of the AEC’s COVID-19 health protection measures
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Examining successful industry transition and support for retrenched automotive workers
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Sensitively engaging with jobseekers to provide insight on user experiences
National Centre for Vocational Education Research
Managing the data collection of one of Australia’s largest longitudinal surveys
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