Current projects

Victorian Employer Satisfaction Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Skills Authority, Wallis is conducting research among employers who have had apprentices or trainees complete training from an RTO, regarding their satisfaction with the training received.

Community Integration Program Injured Workers Survey (CIP-IWS)
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting the 2025 Community Integration Program (CIP) Survey.

Participant Pathways Research
On behalf of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), Wallis is conducting a survey to understand job seekers experience with Workforce Australia.

A study on being an adolescent in Australia today
Jesuit Social Services has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey for Australian youth aged 14 to 18 years to understand their attitudes toward traditional values.
This research will inform the development of educational resources intended to be distributed at schools. It will also be used to further Jesuit Social Services' social service delivery.

Federal Election Advertising Evaluation
Wallis is conducting an evaluation of the advertising of the campaigns on voting in the upcoming federal election. This research is conducted on behalf of the Australian Electoral Commission.
This research entails undertaking several large surveys evaluating the advertising which comprises several campaigns across a wide variety of media.
It is important that as many people we approach as possible take part in the surveys. This ensures the widest range of experiences and opinions are included in the survey findings.
Please be aware that these surveys conducted by Wallis are not political polls.

Victorian Employer Satisfaction Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Skills Authority, Wallis is conducting research among employers who have had apprentices or trainees complete training from an RTO, regarding their satisfaction with the training received.

Workforce Australia Online Research
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has commissioned Wallis Social Research to evaluate the Workforce Australia Services provided by the government. The results of the evaluation will help improve the service to better suit your needs and the needs of other job seekers and to improve future change policies and processes.

MEGT Apprentices Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting this survey on behalf of MEGT to gain insight into the experiences of apprentices and trainees.

How do you meet your skills needs? – A survey of Australian employers
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and Wallis Social Research (Wallis) are conducting a survey on behalf of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to find out how employers meet their skill needs, particularly through their interaction with the education and training system.

Internet Connectivity and Usage Survey
Wallis Social Research has been commissioned to conduct a survey about household and business internet connection and usage, on behalf of Swinburne and RMIT Universities. This research is funded by the Victoria Department of Government Services as part of the Connecting Victoria program.

Cycling Community & Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting this survey on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). This survey seeks to understand the cycling community's views on road safety issues. It also aims to understand people's experience attending the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race. The information collected in the survey will be used to help cyclists stay safe on the roads.
Driver Safety Survey
The Driver Safety Survey is being conducted by Wallis Social Research on behalf of a Victorian Government organisation. The survey will help us to understand the Victorian community's experiences and views and will inform decisions around events and sponsorships of sporting events in Victoria.
Country Racing Victoria Community Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting a survey on behalf of on behalf of a Victorian Government organisation. Participating in this survey contributes to the understanding of some of the road safety-related issues occurring amongst the racing community across Victoria.

Country Drivers Road Safety Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting this survey on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). The information collected in the survey will be used to improve road safety in regional Victoria.

Land Management Experience Survey
For this survey we are interested in understanding the thoughts and experiences of primary producers and growers operating in the Great Barrier Reef catchment area, regarding the use of land management practices.
Motorcycling Community Survey
The survey will help us to understand the motorcycling community's experiences and views and will inform decisions around events and sponsorships of sporting events in Victoria.

Community Road Safety Needs
The Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is conducting this survey to understand stakeholders and interested community members views on community road safety issues as well as grants and funding.

NAB Monthly/Quarterly Business Surveys and NAB Property Survey
Wallis conduct data collection for the NAB Monthly and Quarterly Business surveys as well as the NAB Property Survey on behalf of Gundabluey Research and the National Australia Bank (NAB).

Population Road Safety Survey
Wallis on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) invites you to take part in a survey of Victorian road users. This important survey helps the TAC understand the experience and attitudes of all Victorians who share our roads, and assists with planning how best to improve road safety for everyone.

Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY)
The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) is a study that follows young Australians over 10 years, from their mid-teens to mid-twenties, as they move through school to further study, work and beyond.