CLOSED: Social and Economic Impact of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival


Deloitte has commissioned Wallis to conduct field research with attendees of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Wallis' interviewing team will be speaking with patrons and guests of the festival across various venues and nights, to evaluate the social and economic impact of the festival.

Our interviewers will be using a mobile phone to read out questions and record answers given during the interview. Cards with a QR code will also be handed out for patrons to complete the survey online if they would prefer to complete it in their own time.

When is the survey being conducted?
The interviews will be conducted between 30th March and 22nd of April 2022.

How long will the survey take?
The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.

How do I take part?
You can take part at the festival with one of our interviewers, or take a card with a survey link and fill in the survey in your own time.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any queries, please call us on freecall 1800 113 444.


CLOSED: Local Transport Survey


CLOSED: Community Covid Impact Telephone Survey