Workforce Australia Online Research
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (the department) is conducting an evaluation of Workforce Australia Online (WAO) Services.
As part of the evaluation, the department seeks to understand the use of and experiences with Workforce Australia Online Services. Wallis Social Research has been commissioned to conduct this research on behalf of the department.
Results will be used by the department to improve the functionality and usability of Workforce Australia Online, to help employment service participants to find work more easily.
When is the survey being conducted?
The pilot survey will be open from the 24th of February until the 2nd of March.
The main survey will open on the 11th of March.
How long will the survey take?
The survey should take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete online.
How do I take part?
There are two ways to do the survey:
You can complete it Online–by clicking the “start survey" link that was included on your invitation email, or by scanning the QR code on your invitation letter.
You can complete it via Telephone–you can simply wait for us to call. We have a phone number for most people, but not everyone. If you would like to make an appointment for us to call at a particular time, please let us know by calling 1800 113 444 and quoting the project number 5038 with your ID number, or email us at
Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any queries, please call us on freecall 1800 113 444, or you can send your enquiry via email to:
Please reference the project number (5038) and your survey ID number in your message, so that we can find your details and promptly respond to your enquiry. Your survey ID number should be 5 numbers and two letters (7 characters long).