CLOSED: Community Surveys

WorkSafe Victoria

Wallis has been commissioned by WorkSafe Victoria to conduct a survey into employer and worker mental and physical health and safety in the workplace. The important information gathered from the survey will be used to assist WorkSafe in better meeting your needs and the needs of others in the workplace in the future.

When is the survey being conducted?

The survey is being conducted between 8th of May and 2nd of June.

How long will the survey take?

The mental health section of the survey will take around 15 minutes, the hazards section of the survey will also take around 15 minutes. If you choose to complete both parts, it will take around 30 minutes in total.

You can stop the survey at any time, choose to complete only the first part of survey, or come back to the second part later.

How do I take part?

If you have received an email from Wallis, you can click on the online survey form to complete the survey.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

You can call Wallis on 1800 113 444 or send us an email at Or you can contact WorkSafe's Research team by email at


CLOSED: Community Integration Program (CIP) Survey


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