CLOSED: Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) Research
Jobs & Skills Australia
Wallis has been commissioned by Jobs & Skills Australia (JSA) to conduct qualitative research to canvass stakeholders' views on selected skilled occupations on the draft Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) to supplement the labour market data and intelligence available to JSA. This research will inform JSA's advice to Government on the draft CSOL.
When is the survey being conducted?
Qualitative research, including focus groups and interviews, will be conducted throughout May and June 2024.
How long will the survey take?
Qualitative research, including focus groups and interviews, will be conducted throughout May and June 2024.
Who can I contact if I have any queries?
Qualitative research, including focus groups and interviews, will be conducted throughout May and June 2024.
Further information
More information about the CSOL is available from JSA’s website: