CLOSED: Worker Experience Survey

WorkSafe Victoria

On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among people who are on workers compensation to find out about their most recent experiences relating to a key service event in their claim, currently this is either an Independent Medical Examination, change in payment, or treatment request. The aim is to help improve these services, and, with consent from the participants, the agents who manage the compensation claims may also contact participants to further discuss their constructive feedback.

When is the survey being conducted?
If you received an email or SMS about this survey, you will have 6 days from that date to complete your survey. The survey is conducted on a weekly basis with the aim of capturing workers experiences as close to their key service event as possible. This service event may include an independent medical examination, approval or denial of a treatment request, or a change in payment.

How long will the survey take?
The survey takes 5 minutes.

How do I take part?
You can complete the survey via an online link that was sent via email or SMS. We may be in contact with you some time during the week to remind you of the survey.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?
If you have any queries, or if you prefer to conduct the interview over telephone, please call us on freecall 1800 113 444. If you need to leave us a message, please quote the project number, 4962, and your ID number, which the digits at the end of your online link, or in the subject heading of the email we sent.

Privacy and consent
If you would like to find out more regarding the management of your personal information, please view the FAQs About Consent document. 


CLOSED: Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) Research


CLOSED: Community Integration Program Injured Workers Survey (CIP-IWS)