CLOSED: Customer Listening Tracking Program

Emergency Services Telecommunications Agency (ESTA)

Wallis is conducting some important research on behalf of the Emergency Services Telecommunications Agency (ESTA) who manages Triple Zero calls in Victoria. You may have received an SMS or phone call from Wallis regarding this survey.

What does the research involve?

This short 5-minute survey can be completed online or over the phone with one of Wallis’ experienced interviewers. We are most interested in the portion of your experience in dealing with your emergency that involved the Triple Zero team member over the phone. We want to know about your experience when you spoke to an ESTA operator, what went well and what could have been improved.

The survey is broken into a couple of distinct sections. The first section has simple questions with scores out of 10. The second section will collect some more open-ended feedback from you.

Please be assured that you will not be required to discuss the event that prompted you to call Triple Zero, only the experience in dealing with the operator over the phone.

Why was I chosen for this research?

You have been chosen for this research because you recently made a call (within the last month) to Triple Zero.

Where did you get my details?

Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) gave us your contact details so we can conduct this survey and collect feedback about customers experience of contacting Triple Zero.

Consenting to participate in the project and withdrawing from the research

If you would like to participating in this survey, simply complete survey either the phone or online. If you do not wish to take the survey and do not want to be contacted again by us in future, please notify Wallis on (freecall) 1800 113 444 or email

This research adheres to the strict standards. Our research team is committed to ensuring your physical, social and psychological welfare. Participants can withdraw from participation in this research at any time without penalty.

In the event of distress arising from participation in this survey, Wallis will provide every opportunity for debriefing, and information on how to access support or counselling services, or to raise a query or complaint about the conduct of this research.

Possible benefits and risks to participants

By participating in this study, you will be making a valuable contribution to research and improved customer service that Emergency Services Telecommunications Agency (ESTA) offers its callers. Your participation in this project remains completely voluntary. The survey does not contain any particularly sensitive questions and there are minimal foreseeable risks involved in taking part in this research. If you feel uncomfortable or distressed answering these or any other questions in the survey, you may like to contact the counselling and support services listed below. All responses you give will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be linked to any government or commercial agencies.


Please be assured that this information will be treated as confidential. Your name and information used to contact you are stored separately from the rest of the survey results and will not be linked to individual survey answers. Instead, survey responses will be linked to a random unique identifying number assigned to you by Wallis. All contact information collected in this study is securely stored for a minimum of one year before it is destroyed.

Storage of data

All data collected during this research is stored securely in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Personal contact information is stored securely at Wallis and access to it is restricted to members of the ESTA research team or Wallis employees directly involved in data collection. The survey dataset (from which all identifying information will be removed) will be stored securely on Wallis and ESTA servers.

Support and counselling services

Wallis is not able to provide crisis response or mental health services. The following services can also help you:

  • If you are not in immediate danger but you need help, call Nurse-On-Call on 1300 60 60 24

  • Lifeline (13 11 14)

  • beyondblue (1300 224 636)

For situations that are harmful or life-threatening contact emergency services immediately – Triple Zero (000).

What if I have questions?

If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact Wallis on:

  • Email:

  • Call: 1800 113 444 (toll free for most mobiles)

More information is also available on ESTA's website here.


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