CLOSED: On Track Survey - Completers

Victorian Government Department of Education

About the On Track survey

The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis. Results from the survey will help the Victorian Government improve school, career, local job, and training services, and help develop the support available to young people to ensure that they have access to the guidance and skills they need to achieve their education and employment goals.

The 2024 On Track Survey involves three separate surveys:

- Year 12 Completers survey

- Early School Levers survey (left school before completing Year 12)

- Special schools parents survey (young people with a disability/special needs)


On Track Y12 Completers Survey

When is the survey being conducted?

The On Track 2024 survey is now closed.

What does the survey involve?

The Completers Survey will ask questions about you and how you are going since leaving school including: your current main activity such as study, job, home duties, among others; reasons for choosing your post school pathway; your employment preferences; your opinion on the career guidance received at school.

The survey takes most people approximately 10 minutes to complete online or 12 minutes via phone.

Prize Draw

If you complete your survey before midnight (AEST) before a prize draw, you will be entered into that and subsequent prize draws to win a share of the total prize pool valued at $4,000 in eGift Cards of your choice. Options include Myer, Priceline, Big W, Coles, Kmart, rebel, Target, Woolworths, EB Games, Google Play… and many more. More information on the prize draw is available here.

How do I participate?

The On Track 2024 survey is now closed.


You can click the “start survey” button below or by following the link/QR code sent to you via letter, email or SMS. When you click the link below, you will need your Survey ID. It is usually six digits and is referenced within your letter, email or SMS.


You can do the survey over the phone. If you’d like to make an appointment for Wallis to call at a particular time, please let us know by calling 1800 860 314. If Wallis hasn’t received your online survey response within a week or two, you may receive a call from one of Wallis’ interviewers to see if you need help or want to complete the survey over the phone.

Why was I chosen for this research?

You have been chosen for this research because you consented to participate in the On Track survey. Your name and contact information were provided to Wallis by the Department of Education (the department). However, participation in the On Track survey is fully voluntary.

Why should I do it?

The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003 by the Department of Education. On Track destination data collected from the survey will help the Victorian Government improve the support and services available to young people like you who just left school.

By participating in the survey, you also get to enter a shared prize draw worth $4000.

How is my information being used?

The survey data will be collated and analysed on an aggregated level by Wallis, and findings will be shared with the department.  

This research is conducted in accordance with the Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA) Code of Professional Behaviour, which guarantees anonymity to respondents, and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which sets out rules about the way in which personally identified information on individuals is to be collected, stored, transferred and used.

For further information on how Wallis handles personal information please see the Wallis privacy policy here.

The department’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here

Update my details

So we can keep in touch, please let us know if your contact details change.


Further information about the survey

You can read more about the On Track survey and results from past surveys on the Department’s website here.

If you would like further information or have any queries about the research, you can contact Wallis using the Contact Us form, or call us at 1800 860 314 and provide the job number 5026a.


CLOSED: Road User Hub Survey


CLOSED: Participant Pathways Research (Wave 4)