CLOSED : Our Lives (Social Futures and Life Pathways Project)

The Our Lives Project is an ongoing research study that follows a large cohort of young Queenslanders from adolescence into adulthood. The survey aims to empirically investigate how young people think about their future and how they master their trajectories in a world of rapid change and uncertainty.

In 2006 we started surveying a group of people who began high school in Queensland in 2006. The research is being conducted for the Social Futures and Life Pathways (‘Our Lives’) Project, which is an ongoing study of young people. Each individual selected for the study is invited to complete a survey once every couple of years. The study aims to better understand how global change and uncertainty is impacting on young people’s emerging attitudes, behaviours, and life pathways over time.

This project is based at Australian Catholic University (ACU). It is being carried out by researchers at ACU, in conjunction with the University of Tasmania and The University of Queensland. Wallis is the independent company engaged by ACU to manage the data collection component of this research.

Further Information about Our Lives
Further information about Our Lives and access to previous survey reports can be obtained through the Our Lives website at or via the explanatory statement here.

Survey participants can update their contact details by:

  • Contacting Wallis on freecall 1800 113 444

  • Sending an email to


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