CLOSED: Road Safety Education Survey - Early Childhood Services
Road Safety Education Victoria (RSEV)
This survey is being conducted by Wallis Social Research on behalf of the Road Safety Education Victoria partnership (RSEV). Road Safety Education Victoria (RSEV) is a partnership between the Victorian Government Road Safety Partners, including the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Department of Transport and Planning (DTP), Public Transport Victoria (PTV), and Victoria Police (VicPol). These organisations are working collectively to offer educational programs, activities and resources to support road safety in schools and early childhood services.
The survey aims to understand how Victorian early childhood services are currently addressing road safety education and is part of a broader effort by the Victorian Government to eliminate death and serious injury from roads by 2050. One of the key actions, in the state's initial Road Safety Action Plan 2021-2023, is to develop a new strategic approach to delivering best practice education programs for children, young people, families, and the general community to prevent road trauma.
The TAC is leading the road safety education component on behalf of the RSEV partnership and are eager to gain insights into how early childhood services are currently approaching road safety, both within and outside of the service to help inform this new approach. This survey is an opportunity for your service to have a voice in this important process.
When is the survey being conducted?
The survey is open from Thursday 10 October 2024, closing in early December 2024.
How long does the survey take?
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
How do I take part?
If you are a long day care or kindergarten service based in Victoria, you may receive a letter and/or email inviting you to participate. Your service can either complete and return the hard copy survey included with the letter, or access the survey online via the provided URL link or QR code.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
If you have any questions regarding this survey, you can contact Wallis on 1800 113 444 and provide the job number 5042.
Plain language statement
You can read the plain language statement with more information about this research here.