CLOSED: Victorian Student Health and Wellbeing Survey

Victorian Government Department of Education

The Victorian Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (VSHAWS) is being conducted by Wallis on behalf of Victoria’s Department of Education. The survey investigates the possible effects of health and social issues on the health and wellbeing of young people today.

Participating schools will be contributing to a population-wide picture of the health and wellbeing of the young people in the state of Victoria. The information gained from this survey supports the Government in monitoring the health and wellbeing of young people and informs strategic policy and program directions.

When is the survey being conducted?

The survey is being conducted throughout 2024.

How long will the survey take?

The survey will be conducted during class-time, and will take 30-40 minutes to complete.

How do I take part?

Victorian principals will be invited to participate via letter and email. Principals will need to provide consent for their school to participate. For consenting schools, one or two year 5, year 8 and/or year will be selected to participate. Parent/carer consent will be required for students in selected classes to participate.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

You can call Wallis on (03) 8620 5635 and quote the job number 5009, or email

Further information

To view a list of survey questions being asked in Catholic schools, click here.

To view a list of survey questions being asked in government and independent schools, click here.


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