CLOSED: Electric Vehicles Survey

Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has engaged Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey about the usage and attitudes relating to electric transportation devices such as e-scooters, e-bikes and e-skateboards. You are invited to participate in this research because you expressed your interest in participating in other road safety related research in earlier research conducted on behalf of the TAC. Results from this survey will help the TAC better understand how, when, and why electric vehicles are used at present and into the future for private and professional purposes.

When is the survey being conducted?

This survey will run from the 19th July to the start of August 2023.

How long will the survey take?

The survey will take around 12-15 minutes to complete on average.

How do I take part?

There are two ways to complete the survey:

Online: you can click the 'start survey' button above and enter the ID number (six digits) that was referenced in the invitation email.

Telephone: you can simply wait for us to call. We have a phone number for most people, but not everyone. If you'd like to make an appointment for us to call at a particular time, please let us know by calling 1800 113 444 and quoting your ID number, or email us at

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

If you want to reach out, you can call Wallis Social Research on 1800 113 444, or email us at, and reference the job number 4990.


CLOSED: Workforce Australia Employers Research


CLOSED: Ithaca Creek State School survey