CLOSED: Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership Brand Awareness Survey

Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

Wallis Social Research are conducting this research of behalf of the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (The Academy) who are interested in understanding the professional learning needs and preferences of Victorian educators and schools, their awareness of and experience with the Academy, as well as any other professional learning organisations.

The outcomes from this research will be used by the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership to improve its training and leadership programs to better meet Victorian education staff's professional learning needs.

Findings of the research will only be shared and used internally by the Academy.

When is the survey being conducted?

This survey is being conducted from the mid-November until early December.

How long will the survey take?

The survey takes approximately 12 minutes to complete.

How do I take part?

Victorian education staff may be invited by The Academy and Wallis to participate via email or SMS, or by being forwarded an email invite by a colleague.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

For any questions regarding the survey you can call Wallis on 1800 113 444 and quote the project number 5013, or email us at

Further information

For further information, read the plain language statement by clicking here.


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