CLOSED Student Aspirations Research

Victorian Skills Authority
Australian Council of Education Research

Wallis Social Research is conducting this survey on behalf of the Australian Council of Education Research (ACER) and the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA). The overcharging objective of this research is to inform the development of solutions to increase participation of key cohorts in the Victorian government-funded VET system. This research aims to answer questions such as:

  • Who participates in post-school education and training (PSET) and who does not?

  • Why (or why not) are these groups participating? What are the challenges and barriers?

How long will the survey take?

The survey will take around 12-15 minutes to complete on average.


How do I take part?

There are two ways to complete the survey:

  • Online: you can click the 'start survey' button above and enter the ID number (six digits) that was referenced in the invitation email.

  • Telephone: you can simply wait for us to call. We have a phone number for most people, but not everyone. If you'd like to make an appointment for us to call at a particular time, please let us know by calling 1800 113 444 and quoting your ID number, or email us at

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

If you want to reach out, you can call Wallis on 1800 113 444, or email us at referencing the job number 5065.


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