The WorkSafe Injured Workers Survey
WorkSafe Victoria
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria (also known as The Victorian WorkCover Authority (or The “VWA”), Wallis is conducting research among people who are injured or become ill because of their work, to collect feedback about their experiences of being on workers compensation. The survey includes questions about services delivered by the authorised Insurance Agents handling people’s claims, as well as questions about health and rehabilitation. The aim is to find ways to improve the experiences of people who are on workers compensation.
If you have received a letter about this survey, we may be in contact with you some time during the next few weeks.
To view an example copy of the letter, please click here.
Who can I contact if I have any queries?
If you have any queries, please call us on freecall 1800 113 444. If you need to leave us a message, please check the top right-hand corner of your letter for the Reference Number and quote this number in your message, so that we can find your details and call you back.