CLOSED: Apprenticeship Incentives
Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Wallis in partnership with Deloitte Access Economics on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment is conducting a survey with businesses and apprentices.
Businesses and apprentices Australia-wide have been invited by email to share their views on apprenticeship and traineeship incentives, which will help inform incentives offered. Businesses and apprentice's views provided will assist the department in designing incentives for employers and apprentices in the future.
Invitees can complete the survey online, or may receive a call from a representative from Wallis on behalf of the department in the coming weeks, inviting them to participate in the survey over the phone.
Invitees can complete the survey online or over the phone any time between Monday 8 Februrary and Monday 22 February 2021.
Help and further information:
If you have been contacted by Wallis to complete this survey and you do not want to participate, or if you require any assistance with the survey, please let Wallis know by calling them on 1800 113 444 or emailing them at, quoting your ID number and the project number 4823.
If you would like more information you can also email the department directly at with any questions you may have about the research.