CLOSED: Online Employment Services - Employers

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment has commissioned Wallis Social Research to evaluate the Online Employment Services (OES), a job search assistance provided by the government.

The results of the evaluation will determine the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of Online Employment Services for job seekers and employers. This research will help to improve program delivery and contribute to the evidence base for future policies and programs.

In addition to Wallis undertaking research with job seekers who have been referred to Online Employment Services, Wallis will also speak to employers who have used Online Employment Services in the past to fill available jobs. Wallis will also speak to employers who have never used this service to find job seekers, we are interested in employers general recruitment practices. Employers will be able to participate in a survey (either by telephone or online), as well as take part in in-depth consultations.

When is this survey being conducted?

The fieldwork for this project will be conducted from August 2021 through until December 2021.

Who can I contact if I have any queries?

If you have any queries, please call Wallis on 1800 113 444, referencing the project number (4876) and your survey ID number.


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