CLOSED: Youth Transitioning to Work Survey

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey with participants in the Workforce Australia and Transition to Work programs.

This survey aims to collect feedback from participants on their experiences within these programs, and whether it has impacted on their work, study and wellbeing.

Results from the survey will help inform future developments to both programs.

When is the survey being conducted?

The survey is being conducted between the 29th of June and the 11th of August.

How long will the survey take?

If you're taking the survey online or over the phone, the survey should take roughly 15 to 20 minutes to finish.

How do I take part?

To take part, you will receive an email or SMS with a personalised survey link, or alternatively, you can wait to receive a call from one of our call centre staff.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

If you want to reach out, you can call Wallis Social Research on 1800 113 444, and reference the job number 4980.

Privacy and handling of your personal information

The information collected in this survey will be provided to the Employment Evaluation Branch at the Department and will be combined with data they have collected previously. With your permission, information provided to the department will be identifiable but is protected by the Privacy Act and will be used for research and evaluation purposes only.

Any information you give will be kept strictly within the research team. Your participation will not affect the income support you may receive from Centrelink or the assistance you receive from your Transition to Work or Workforce Australia caseworker(s).

For more information about how Wallis will handle your data please click the link here to view our privacy policy


CLOSED: Victorian Student Health and Wellbeing Survey


CLOSED: Young Men’s Attitudes and Behaviours Study