Current projects
CLOSED: Youth Transitioning to Work Survey
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey with participants in the Workforce Australia and Transition to Work programs.
CLOSED: Young Men’s Attitudes and Behaviours Study
Wallis, in partnership with the Jesuit Social Services’ - The Men’s Project team (supported by Respect Victoria), is conducting research on young men’s attitudes and behaviours in Australia.
CLOSED: GWMWater Customer Survey
Wallis Social Research is contacting GWMWater customers on behalf of GWMWater to invite them to take part in a 10 minute survey about their satisfaction as a customer.
CLOSED: AFL Victoria Speeding and Distracted Driving Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting this study as part of the Clubs Rewards Program on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).
CLOSED: Community Integration Program (CIP) Survey
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting the 2023 Community Integration Program (CIP) Survey. This annual research survey is undertaken with injured workers (or those who act on their behalf) to gain deeper insight to their experiences of service delivery in the Program.
CLOSED: Community Surveys
Wallis has been commissioned by WorkSafe Victoria to conduct a survey into employer and worker mental and physical health and safety in the workplace. The important information gathered from the survey will be used to assist WorkSafe in better meeting your needs and the needs of others in the workplace in the future.
CLOSED: Gippsland Ports Satisfaction Survey 2023
This survey is gathering feedback from customers and business that use Gippsland Ports and their services.
CLOSED: Ballot Paper Qualitative Research
Wallis has been commissioned to test the design and layout of potential changes to ballot papers, and related communications, with a range of voters.
CLOSED: COTA Older Consumer Study
Wallis has been commissioned by COTA Victoria and Seniors Rights Victoria to conduct qualitative research with Victorians aged 65+ as well as Victorians aged 50-64.
CLOSED: On Track Survey - Completers
The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis.
CLOSED: Road User Hub Survey
Wallis is conducting a survey about road safety for seniors on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).
CLOSED: On Track Survey - Completers
The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis.
CLOSED: Participant Pathways Research (Wave 4)
The Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct the Participant Pathways Research to help evaluate the Workforce Australia employment services provided by the government.
CLOSED: Heart Foundation Walking Tasmania Evaluation
The Heart Foundation Tasmania commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct an evaluation of the Walking Tasmania Program. The evaluation involves qualitative research with program stakeholders including host organisations and Walking Program participants – both Walk Organisers and group walkers.
CLOSED: End Food Waste Qualitative Research
RMIT University has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct research with Australian consumers to explore their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours in relation to food purchasing, storage and waste.
CLOSED: Claim Transfer Survey
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among injured workers whose claims have recently been transferred to WorkSafe. This research aims to understand the claims transfer experience and to identify where service improvements could be made.
CLOSED: Annual Client and Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), Wallis is conducting research to identify areas for improvement in the level of service they provide to their clients and stakeholders.
CLOSED: Vinnies Customer Research
Wallis is conducting this survey on behalf of Vinnies. The insights from this survey will be useful to provide the best possible retail experience.
CLOSED: Gippsland Water Customer Survey 2024
Wallis is conducting this survey on behalf of Bartley Consulting (commissioned by Gippsland Water) to run water quality surveys in three areas of Gippsland - Morwell, Sale and Traralgon.
CLOSED: Australian Digital Youth Index
Wallis is conducting research on behalf of the Telstra Foundation. The Telstra Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Telstra. Its purpose is to enable social change through technology. Wallis is conducting research among youth aged between 8 and 25, to understand what they do online.