Current projects
CLOSED: AFL Victoria Road Safety Survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting this study as part of the Clubs Rewards Program on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).
CLOSED: Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) Research
Wallis has been commissioned by Jobs & Skills Australia (JSA) to conduct qualitative research to canvass stakeholders' views on selected skilled occupations on the draft Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL).
CLOSED: Worker Experience Survey
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among people who are on workers compensation to find out about their most recent experiences relating to a key service event in their claim.
CLOSED: Community Integration Program Injured Workers Survey (CIP-IWS)
The 2024 Community Integration Program (CIP) Survey is an annual survey undertaken with injured workers (or those who act on their behalf) to gain deeper insight to their experiences of service delivery in the Program.
CLOSED: Legal Aid Queensland Client Satisfaction Survey
Wallis Social Research (Wallis) and Market & Communications Research (MCR) are conducting this client satisfaction survey on behalf of Legal Aid Queensland.
CLOSED: Evaluation of the Migrant Skills Assessment Program
The fieldwork for this project will be conducted online from October 2022 to April 2024. Respondents may be contacted by Wallis via email or SMS to participate in this important study.
CLOSED: Workforce Australia Employers Research
Wallis has been engaged on behalf of The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to evaluate government provided Employment Services (Workforce Australia and Transition to Work). The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the appropriateness and effectiveness of Employment Services.
CLOSED: Electric Vehicles Survey
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey about the usage and attitudes relating to electric transportation devices such as e-scooters, e-bikes and e-skateboards.
CLOSED: Ithaca Creek State School survey
Wallis Social Research is conducting a survey on behalf of Ithaca Creek State School to assist the school with its strategic planning as well as its program of continual improvement.
CLOSED: Self-Insurer Injured Worker Survey
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among people who are injured or become ill because of their work, to collect feedback about their experiences of being on workers compensation.
CLOSED: Public Transport Survey
Wallis has been commissioned by the Victorian Department of Transport (formerly Public Transport Victoria) to better understand Victorian transport users views of the public transport system. The Department would like to know how satisfied commuters are with the specific aspects of services they offer to help them improve the services.
CLOSED: On Track Survey - Early Leavers
The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis.
CLOSED: Student Survey for VET Students in WA 2024
The Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct their annual student survey for 2024.
CLOSED: Mildura Speed Survey
Mildura Rural City Council has appointed Wallis Social Research to collect the community's sentiments toward the speed limit trial conducted in the Mildura CBD.
CLOSED: On Track Survey - Special Schools
The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis.
CLOSED: Employer Satisfaction Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Department of Education and Training, Wallis is conducting research among employers who have had apprentices or trainees complete training from an RTO, regarding their satisfaction with the training received.
On Track Survey
The Victorian Government Department of Education has commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct surveys with Victorian School Leavers who have left schools within the last 6 months to understand their education, training and employment destinations on a school-to-school basis.
CLOSED: Victorian Employer Satisfaction Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Skills Authority, Wallis is conducting research among employers who have had apprentices or trainees complete training from an RTO, regarding their satisfaction with the training received.
CLOSED: How do you meet your skills needs? – A survey of Australian employers
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and Wallis Social Research (Wallis) are conducting a survey on behalf of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to find out how employers meet their skill needs, particularly through their interaction with the education and training system.
CLOSED: Army Reservists
The University of Newcastle and University of South Australia have commissioned Wallis Social Research to conduct a survey to understand Reservist - civilian employer relations, through speaking with Reservists and surveying employers about their views and experiences.