Current projects

CLOSED: Accessibility Research
Wallis is conducting research with Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV) to find out how satisfied customers are with the accessibility of taxi and rideshare services. This information will then be used to improve the accessibility of these services.

CLOSED: GWMWater Drinking Water Survey
On behalf of GWMWater, Wallis is conducting research about water supply.

CLOSED: PaTH Industry Pilots
On behalf of The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Wallis is conducting research regarding the PaTH Industry Pilots Program, to evaluate its usefulness for participants of the program and employers.

CLOSED: Local Infrastructure Projects in Bulla, Sunbury & Wildwood
Wallis Social Research (Wallis) is conducting a confidential survey on behalf of Victoria' s Major Transport Infrastructure Authority among residents of Bulla, Sunbury and Wildwood to gather information about their knowledge of local infrastructure projects.

CLOSED: Pre-Finalisation Pilot Survey
On behalf of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Wallis is conducting research on peoples recent interaction with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to gather feedback about their experiences in order to monitor and improve service delivery.

CLOSED: Mondo Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021
Wallis is pleased to have teamed up again with Mondo and AusNet Services, formerly Select Solutions and Geomatic Technologies, for their annual Customer Satisfaction survey. The purpose of this research is understand customer experience and levels of satisfaction, helping Mondo to continuously improve their services.

CLOSED: SkillsIQ Wave 3
SkillsIQ is working with Wallis for the third year of a longitudinal study to investigate student outcomes for those who complete qualifications in Commercial Cookery or Aged Care. The research also focuses on employment pathways and satisfaction from training and in industry.

CLOSED: Understanding Victoria’s Biosecurity System Survey
Wallis are conducting the Understanding Victoria’s Biosecurity System survey on behalf of Agriculture Victoria to help them understand organisation’s and individual’s beliefs about Victoria’s Biosecurity System.

CLOSED: Mornington Peninsula Safe Speeds Trial
The Mornington Peninsula Shire has undertaken a large-scale safer speed trial on 33 council managed high-speed roads that were speed zoned at either 100km/h or 90km/h, then changed to 80km/h in late 2019 for a 2-year trial period. Wallis Social Research (Wallis) is conducting both qualitative and quantitative research with the Mornington Peninsula Shire residents in order to evaluate the trial.

CLOSED: Two-Year Review of the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS)
Wallis with ACIL Allen are conducting a two-year review of the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) on behalf of the Victorian Government Department of Education & Training.

CLOSED: WorkCover Experience Research: Employers
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among employer representatives to gather feedback about their experiences with workers compensation claims, in order to monitor and improve service delivery.

CLOSED: Apprentice and Employer Support Surveys
On behalf of The Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Wallis is conducting research into the support needed for Australian apprentices and relevant employers who have hired apprentices.

CLOSED: 2021 Victorian Employer Skills Survey
On behalf of the Victorian Skills Authority, Wallis together with the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) is conducting the Employer Skills survey to gather information from Victorian workplaces about their experiences with recruitment, training and the impact of the pandemic on the work environment. The survey has been administered annually since 2014 and biennially since 2018.

CLOSED: Community Energy Hubs
On behalf of Sustainability Victoria, Wallis is conducting a survey about Victorians' awareness, attitudes and knowledge of community renewable energy.

CLOSED: Evaluation of the Trade Training Centres in Schools Program
Wallis Social Research and ACIL Allen Consulting have been commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills & Employment to conduct research to inform the evaluation of the Trade Training Centres in Schools Program.

CLOSED: Claims Transfer Experience Survey
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among injured workers to gather feedback about their recent experiences being transferred from GCU to another WorkSafe Agent.

CLOSED: Motorcycle Rider Survey
Wallis conducts a survey with Victorian motorcycle riders on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). This important survey explores motorcyclist’s beliefs and behaviours on the roads. By taking part in these surveys, you can assist the TAC in making Victorian roads safer for everyone.

CLOSED: Night-time driving for learner drivers
Wallis is conducting a survey about night-time driving for Learner Drivers, on behalf of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) for the Public Education and Evaluation Program. For this survey, we are speaking to the person responsible for teaching the Learners or P-plate Drivers to drive.

CLOSED: WorkCover Experience Research: Workers
On behalf of WorkSafe Victoria, Wallis is conducting research among injured workers to gather feedback about their experiences of being on workers’ compensation in order to monitor and improve service delivery.